Lady Driver Shows Us When In Doubt, Ram Your Way Out

Forget the stupid witty sexism remarks about women drivers here. This lady is angry. Really angry, and she's in no mood to wait around. So she makes good her escape, using the only tool she has - her Mazda 6 'battle ram'.
In the video, you'll see her reverse and smash into the back of a small taxi that appears to have stopped in the middle of the road. She does this repeatedly until she's made her way past the car, much to the amazement of the crowd that has gathered.

On the face of it, she's a mad woman. The video title labels her a 'drunk', but I think there's more to this story than meets the eye. Firstly, why would the cab driver be stopped in the middle of the road, unless he was purposefully trying (and succeeding) to wind her up? Secondly, I'm sure if I were a woman who was surrounded my a crowd of camera wielding revelers, I'd want to get the hell out of there as quickly as possible...Hit play and let us know your verdict.
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