Let's face it.. death is an inevitable part of life, just like rust is an inevitable part of Miatas. Find out how you'll go and comment it below! Random commenter will win CT goodies!
Winner of yesterday’s competition: Amin Nassif. Check your email! :)
Winner of yesterday’s competition: Amin Nassif. Check your email! :)
So John Cena is driving with a stuck Accelerator pedal and does a reverse entry drift in a lorry?
while out hooning bonnet flipped up head-on collision with train Ouch
While double clutching, the flying rod locked up the wheels, and I don’t know what happened next… because I was born in 1981 and am to old for this game apparently 😕
Too much old, not to joke. Too old to type properly also
I find this very offensive…
during an oil change, brake pads fell out and flew up suspension bridge
damn, oil changes are dangerous
While taking out my crush, my brake pads fell out and I barrel rolled into a corner store…
While taking my crush out my accelerator pedal got stuck and went head on into a train :’)
While asleep, floorpan fell off and ran into Phil doing donuts
While out hooning bonnet flipped up and I was killed by airbag explosion lol
On a twisty canyon road, passenger pulled the handbrake, barrel rolled into corner shop.
How can there be a corner shop on a twisty canyon road?