Lewis Hamilton Will Appear In The New Call Of Duty Game For Some Reason

We’re used to seeing Lewis Hamilton featured in Formula 1 video games thanks to the championship’s official game franchise, but the Mercedes driver has confirmed he will appear in a very different title.
The reigning world champion - who is currently fighting for a fourth title - will be part of the next installment of the Call of Duty franchise, which is released in November.
The new first-person shooter titled Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare will feature an appearance from Hamilton, with the news being broken first by French station M6 broadcast, which included an interview and footage of him taking part in motion capture filming.
It's awesome to think I'll be a character in @callofduty! Be sure to check out #InfiniteWarfare this November! 🙌🏾🚀☄#ambassador;— lewishamilton
It’s an unusual tie-up between Hamilton and Call of Duty, but whatever you say about him, he’s definitely giving a huge amount of exposure to F1 in his various projects.
Hamilton officially confirmed on Twitter that he’ll be part of the Infinite Warfare title, posting a picture of his character in the game.
Apparently he recorded six scenes for Infinite Warfare, with lines such as “captain, news reports coming on about the gateway if you want to join us” and “I’m right behind you”. If all this sounds a little bizarre, that’s probably because it is. Massively so.
The game comes out on the 4 November for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Windows PC. Be sure to look out for Hamilton’s appearance if you get it!
He’s just there to win everything
Wow, I thought it was just some weird photoshoot thing he does. I didn’t realise it was real!
How to beat the game before it even starts. Use Total Wipeout.
He will finally have a chance to kill his teammate…
Being a game focused on killing people, I would have expected Maldonado in a Mustang.
The World’s Crashiest F1 Driver paired to The World’s Crashiest Car. What Can Possibly Go Wrong?
Just for fun, check the amount of dislikes on the Infinite Warfare reveal trailer.
Honestly, I doubt this will help Hamilton’s career.
Besides, I’m what you might call a ‘Call of Duty’ purist.
the new trailers have more likes now - its just people didnt take to the concepts at first :) - just the reveal trailer is low. Also Conor McGregor is in it :D
It might not help his career but you do have people that would see this and be like: Who is Lewis Hamilton? What is F1? And then they look it up and say ok this is cool and start trying to spend money, at least that’s how they want it to be
The most important question…
Can he be shot? Or is he one of those stupidly unshootable characters ?
Because when I’m shooting things up, I’m thinking about driving… in traffic… oh, wait, I’m from New York this is normal.
He then gets betrayed by Captain Lauda who sent him with Rosberg on a covert mission which ends with Rosberg betraying Hamilton by ejecting him from his vehicle to his doom while Rosberg clinches the golden medal of honor. The game ends with a preview of its sequel where Maldonado learns of this betrayal and says he will avenge in the name Hamilton.