Mad Max: Fury Road Stunts Without The CGI.
When the movie was being promoted, there was a lot of talk about how all the stunts where real and there was very little CGI.
When the movie was being promoted, there was a lot of talk about how all the stunts where real and there was very little CGI. Now someone has edited together some of the original footage so we can see what the stunts look like with zero CGI.
It’s all kinds of awesome.
Matt Robinson
Producers were mad too, not only Max.
so this is why Max said “It was hard to know who was more crazy… me… or everyone else.” in the beginning of the movie?
mad too the max!
Myth Confirmed!
If only they did the whole movie this way.
what the hell are you talking about? the entire movie was done that way, there was just 1 CGI crash in a 2 hour movie filled with crashes and practical stunt work, and that crash sticks out like a sour thumb, but the rest of the movie is 2015 action gold
So basically they just used CGI to add atmosphere?? :D
Damn that’s why i liked the film.
Best movie 2015
he wie leiwond isn des
THIS is how CGI should be used, also like the New Star Wars: The Force Awakens