This Mercedes SL Driver Managed To Reverse Over A Ferrari 458 Speciale
While trying to parallel park at a car meet in Virginia, the driver of this SL managed to reverse right over the bonnet of a 458 Speciale
This painful accident happened at ‘Katie’s Cars And Coffee’ in Great Falls, Virginia on Saturday. At one point in the video a man in a blue shirt - we’re guessing the 458 owner - is heard referring to the SL driver’s misshap as the “dumbest thing I’ve ever seen.”
It’s safe to assume replacing the bonnet and front wing on the Speciale isn’t going to be cheap…
Oh. Yes. A phone video taken on the streets now considered to be copyrighted. Wonderful…
The SL pissed on it to show dominance
My heart when i saw this 💔
All those people gathering around him help him a lot…
video is down due to copyright — good job to whoever created this thread
How would the Ferrari owner do when he meets the merc owner. At least if you need to go to hospital they both have the cars to get there.
Can’t believe i missed this post, I’m friends with the 458 owner