Mighty Car Mods' 'JDM Electric Turd' Is A Cute 80s EV You Can't Help But Love
Here's something a little different from the MCM boys: a 1982 Daihatsu Mira with a DIY electric conversion. In some ways it's terrible, but there's something quite lovable about the little thing...
I miss the DIY stuff that they used to teach…
They’ve basically done everything I’d want to see, but as a huge fan I still cannot agree more! Their show just never gets old :)
They pretty much did all the DIY you could need, what else do you want?
Agreed miss the DIY videos but still a huge MCM fan none the less
So mad
That Subaru though
They just ignored it! :(
It’s kinda cute…
Today is MCM’s 8th birthday!
I guess we know what they meant by “electric space wizard”
Turbo Yoda ? XD
Now I’ve notice Moog catching that file so awkwardly in the intro I cant stop noticing it and wincing every time I watch the start of a MCM vid haha
An electric car with a stick shift sounds like a brilliant idea!
Ye mount a heavy gearbox which drains power in an electric vehicle.