This Minivan Was Accidentally Dragged 16 Miles Through A Snowstorm By A Truck
After crashing into the back of a lorry, this family's minivan got wedged underneath its rear, leading to a frantic 911 call

The terrified occupants of this minivan had a lucky escape after crashing into the back of a truck during a snowstorm. The minivan was driving along I-75, south of Roscommon, Michigan, when the incident occurred.

Image via Roscommon County Sheriff
Police received a call from the family, who couldn’t figure out where they were due to poor visibility. The truck driver was eventually flagged down by cops, but not before he’d unwittingly dragged the family 16 miles.
All four members of the family were taken to hospital for checks, but fortunately there were no injuries.
Head over to ABC News to hear the 911 call.
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