Motorola's Proposed Autonomous Cop Car Sounds Like Judge Dredd's New Car
Picture the scene: a police officer makes an arrest and puts the suspect into a car. The car then drives off autonomously, identifies the occupant using facial recognition, scans them for weapons and performs a breath test to check for substance abuse, before linking up to a local courtroom via a live feed where a judgement is passed.
Sounds like the Halls of Justice just gave Judge Dredd a new car, but this is an actual idea for the real world dreamt up by Motorolla. Slightly creeped out? You’re not the only one.
The company filed a patent in the USA detailing the concept, which even includes a chip and pin payment machine to allow offenders to pay fines mid-journey.
This proposed mobile justice dispenser is all about increasing efficiency when it comes to processing criminals, although it’s unlikely to be something we’ll see as anything other than this patent for many years, if at all.
Considering the current state of autonomous cars I’d say it’s a little closer to Roscoe P. Coltrane than Robocop
Last time I checked it was innocent until proven guilty. Guess a lot has changed in usa
This looks laughably low tech, atesting 3/10ths commitment from Motorolla to the new connected autonomous world. It baffles my mind how they can even get this past their finance controllers with their 5th grade science projects.