Not All Good Roads Are Paved
The satisfaction to be derived from driving down a twisty, curvy road cannot be understated. If you're a car person (and I'm assuming you are, since you're reading this) you have probably done just that before, and for no other reason than it's fun. But you must ke
The satisfaction to be derived from driving down a twisty, curvy road cannot be understated. If you're a car person (and I'm assuming you are, since you're reading this) you have probably done just that before, and for no other reason than it's fun. But you must keep something in mind - not all the good roads necessarily have pavement. Because while flying down the blacktop balancing adhesion with inertia is fun, it can be more fun with less inertia - and less adhesion!
Oh yes, dirt roads:
Here's my good friend Patrick at the wheel, trying his hand at some low-adhesion driving. This particular 70° corner was perfect for getting the Haldex all-wheel-drive to shuffle some torque to the back end. See below:
As you can probably tell, this ain't exactly his first rodeo (so to speak.) Or his first 4WD Audi that's seen some dirt. It's great to see 4WD cars being used as they were intended, I think.
And to imagine, approximately 99% of Audi Quattro owners are missing out on this fun! Check out his technique. Man knows how to drive a car, to be sure:
Next time you have the chance, try out a dirt road. Yeah, you'll have to wash your car and you might (god forbid!) get some paint chips from flying gravel. But it's SO fun. Just remember to keep the shiny side up.
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