An old school bonkers lap of Bathurst
You hear the terms driving “flat out” and “at ten tenths” a lot, and if you need to show someone what that means, this lap of Bathurst is the video to use.
You hear the terms driving “flat out” and “at ten tenths” a lot, and if you need to show someone what that means, this lap of Bathurst is the video to use.
Peter brock is absolutely on the ragged edge all the way, tires just hanging on… front wheel off the ground… rear wheel off the ground… smoke, flames and a moment that anyone not in the zone would have lost it into a wall.
Breathtaking stuff… but he didn’t make pole for his two butt clenching moments and motorsport is hard.
The stuff legends are made of.
I like watching these and then remember that the real thing sits at work everytime im there
Mate, that is awesome. So much awesome. Where do you work?
That’s what you call, being at one with the car.
This truly is the definition of ten Tenths! A level of driving I’m sure I’ll never understand.
RIP King of the Mountain
Dear FIA…..
What car is this?