PART II: The Most Reckless And Addictive BMW M5 City Hoon Video Ever

If you thought the first M5 city hoon installment was reckless, you ain't seen nothing yet!
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Last month we showed you what we thought was 'The Most Reckless And Addictive BMW M5 City Hoon Video Ever.' How wrong we were...

This second mental M5 installment courtesy of Georgian driver Giorgi Tevzadze takes city hooning to new heights. Watch above as Tevzadze (and passenger) race through heavy traffic at over 70mph, endangering hundreds more lives and burning BMW rubber like it was going out of fashion. We also get more external drift footage than before, including a near miss with a pedestrian.

While we still think this guy's a massive cock for endangering so many lives, one thing's for sure: boy, can he drive...

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