Police Called To Daimler AGM After Frankfurter Altercation

With the company announcing its highest share dividend ever, Daimler’s annual general meeting in Berlin on Wednesday should have been a celebratory occasion. However, it’s been overshadowed by a big row. About sausages.
12,500 Wiener Würstchen (also known as a Frankfurter) sausages were served at the event between 5500 shareholders, which equates to an average of about two per person. So, when one man decided to return to the buffet to wrap up a few more juicy sausages to take home, a female shareholder took exception. A shouting match ensued, and the row escalated to such an extent that the police were called to calm things down.
According to The Guardian, Daimler board chairman Manfred Bischoff said of the incident: “We had to call the police to settle the matter…We either need more sausages or we get rid of them altogether.”
I’m German… This is embarrassing.
I’m German too… And it is embarrassing
I’m german, too. And i’m still laughing
I’m Viennese. Ist mir wurscht.
Da ging es echt um die Wurst 😅
sausagefest gone wrong
The lady wants more than one sausage….we Are happy to oblige
Might be susan boyle.
Is it still April Fool’s??
Well, frankfurers ARE pretty delicious..
Well those two certainly “butchered” this meeting
That party must have been the Wurst.
They certainly “butchered” the event for everyone
I guess they had to put the meat down.
Well, you always have to assume it’s a Wurst Käse scenario
Omg these damn puns in the comments section
This has never been more appropriate.
Hahahahaha :’D