Porsche 356A Speedster Is A New Barn Find In Horizon 3’s Forzathon

A load of awesome Porsches have come to Forza Horizon 3 in a new DLC and the game allowed players to unlock more – without splashing any cash – in Forzathon challenges.
Well, now another cool Porsche is being made available to unlock on FH3 and this one’s a proper classic. It’s the Porsche 356A Speedster, which will be accessible in an up-coming new barn find, with a limited time to unlock the stunning car.

The Forzathon challenge will run from Friday 5 May to Monday 8 May 2017, so you’ve got a bit of time to prepare and try out other Porsches in FH3 before then.
To unlock the 356A Speedster, you’ll have to win a race in any Porsche currently available in the game. When you’ve done that, the game will direct players to the approximate location of the barn that features the old-school Porsche.
The 356A Speedster was last seen in the Forza franchise in the Porsche DLC for Motorsport 6.
Spoilers! Ffs, really guys? Barn finds are supposed to be a surprise!
Most people already know :/
Not really a surprise :/
Everyone knows already sweetheart
me here watching, can’t afford the game, nor the Console and/or the PC
Lay down
Try not to cry
Cry alot
Spoilers!!!! Barn find are really the only thing I enjoy in FH3 anymore, nice
Its literally a squashed beetle with the roof cut off.
Triggered porsche fanboys incoming.
and with a better engine
Or you just talk no sense
I love those rims!
My Xbox broke. •_•
Thanks for ruining that surpise. These kind of things make me not want to look at these articles anymore
Dude spoilers?! Come on this ruins it