This Porsche 911 Came Perilously Close To Getting Its Face Torn Off
A Porsche 964 driver on the Nurburgring is seen dropping the back end in this video, just missing the Armco
While it’s certainly close, we reckon the 964 driver just missed the barrier, as the front of the car looks undamaged just after the brown pants moment. What do you think?
SlapTrain be like “walltap”
Normally I don’t mind watching Nurburgring crashes because usually it’s just an m3 or a mx-5 this time it’s like don’t crash, don’t crash, don’t crash, ahhh we good
😳 ….goes and buys lottery ticket
The ‘Ring be like
haha too good
Slap be like:
Halp -The Porsche
Phew, I’m so glad that Porsche got away unscathed
Deal with it
Near miss + 200 Nitrous
takumi is that your son practicing drift?!