Prepare Yourselves: Doge Is Coming To NASCAR

With the popularity of Bitcoin booming around the same time as the now infamous 'doge' meme, it was perhaps inevitable that Dogecoin would become a thing. The online currency has gone from strength to strength, and now the Dogecoin subreddit has proven its worth by raising the equivalent of $55,000 (£33,100) in Dogecoin to sponsor the No. 98 car at Talladega.
But what's the point? Pretty much just because they can, and partly for internet lulz. But this isn't the first time Dogecoin has raised money for a worthy cause - this team was selected due to the fact it has an up-and-coming driver and was underfunded. They managed to send the Jamaican bobsled team to the Sochi Winter Olympics and raised $30,000 (£18,000) towards supplying clean water to Kenya.

Behind the wheel will be Josh Wise, who has done an AMA on Reddit to answer questions about the project. Named the "#98 Moonrocket", Wise will debut the car on May 4th at the Aarons 499 Sprint Series Cup Race.
The design of the 'dogecar' (which, brilliantly, is racegod backwards) is open for people to submit their own designs, so head over to Reddit and get creative.
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