Renault And Nissan Might Merge To Make One Company
Renault and Nissan might be looking to take on the colossus that is VW Group in a deal of epic proportions. According to Bloomberg, the two companies are in discussions regarding a possible merger, taking the Renault-Nissan Alliance - which was formed in 1999 - to the next level.
Renault has a 43 per cent stake in Nissan, while the Japanese company owns 15 per cent of its French partner. The two already share engines and platforms, but the rumoured proposals would see a new company formed. Presumably, the two separate brands would remain, operating under a single parent company.
However, a merger - said to have been discussed for several months now - is far from certain. Even if the companies decide to go ahead with a deal, there are potential stumbling blocks, Bloomberg’s unnamed insider sources claim, such as the French government owning a 15 per cent stake in Renault.
A spokesperson for the alliance “said the group doesn’t comment on rumors and speculation,” Bloomberg reports.
Nononononono, don’t take my nissan badges
I’ve known about this for a while (the joys of family that work for the company). What is happening is that both Renault and Nissan are in a cross share agreement. Nissan own shares in Renault and vice-versa. That’s how the alliance works.
The French Government owns a stake in Renault. Nissan will be buying that from the Government so they will have full control of Renault. Renault is a money black hole so Nissan will be the one in charge as it yanks Renault out of its rampant money burning.
At first they messed up themselves and then Dacia and now Nissan? STOP THIS OUTRAGE
nononononononononoonononononononononononononoononoononononononononononononoonononononononononononononoononoononoononoonononononononoono… No
Will they be renamed as Ratsun?
……. i’ll get my coat
There is no way they will ever merge. Nissan has a significantly better brand image than Renault and Renault would never let that potential go to waste with a merger. The cash cow that is Nissan is way too valuable for Renault to sacrifice its distinguishable brand image in the course of a merger, and Renault knows that. It’s not worth the risk.
JDM Shark 🇧🇷
Hey,if this means that America gets the Megane R.S, than this is good.