This Road Rage Driver Brutally Runs A Biker Off The Road After A Fight
Road rage is a terrible thing. It never solves anything, it never improves a situation and everything ends up worse – for everybody involved.
This shocking footage filmed in Sarasota, Florida, picks up on a dispute between a motorbike rider and the driver of a Mazda 3 that looks to have been lowered and plastered with graphics. The Mazda man is alleged to have cut the biker up a little earlier down the road.

The footage only starts after the initial altercation on the road, but the people who filmed it gave this statement:
“My fiancee and I were on our way down to a restaurant when I saw a man driving a beautiful motorbike. The person driving the car tried to change lanes to the left at the same time. I think he did not see the motorcycle, so he still changed lanes.
“The motorcyclist tried to talk to the person in the car, but the two started fighting on the way until the driver decided to crash the car into the motorcyclist. We stopped the vehicle to ensure that the motorcyclist was okay after what happened. The emergency vehicles responded quickly.”

What they don’t mention is that the biker takes a swipe at the Mazda’s door mirror before the driver really loses control of his temper. Still, minor property damage – if it even caused any damage – is no excuse for what could have ended up as murder.
The Mazda driver could easily do significant jail time after this, while the biker might also be punished for misdemeanours. Stay calm out there, CTzens!
Source: CarScoops
My problem with this is: the rider may never be able to drive a Bike ever again.
Yeah the Mazda driver will get a few years in jail but ruining someones dream and passion, in my opinion is worse than killing somebody
Would you rather stop existing or not be able to do what you love and having to look for something else instead?
Lol I wouldn’t hit the biker to do more damage, I’ll just call the cops on him, or just don’t drive like a douchebag
Teach your kids to count bikes when traveling. Growing up, they will be more alert to spot them when driving themselves.
I like this… Good point 👍
Indian here.. we gotta count the cows too
sees Florida
Legit what everyone else in USA wants to do at the moment
Could have happened anywhere else and it has before. But why not bring back an old meme.
California would be exponentially more accurate.
Anyone else get angry just by looking at this?
Yes, this is why you shouldnt start confrontations on a bike….
The mazda driver was completely wrong here, no doubt about that, but the biker did provoke him, had he not swiped for his mirror i bet this would have just ended with a clash of words
This basically ruins Mazda’s reputation.
While the Mazda definitely isn’t in the right, the bike is what initiated the whole thing. Sure, the bike was cut off, sure, the Mazda might’ve acted pissy about it, but it’s still by no means an excuse to cause damage to personal property.
I love watching some of these hot-headed crotch rocket riders get all butthurt about something that happens to people in cars all the time. It’s like they forget who decided to take the whole bike risk in the first place…
By no means do I condone hitting other people’s cars but I can definitely understand the reasoning behind it. When careless drivers play with the life of the bikers I can fully understand the reason why someone might want to smack their mirrors. I mean to be honest it’s not like the mazda was using them anyways lol
Its offroad rage
Does nobody know how to film in landscape mode anymore???