Russian Driver "Drifts" Into Concrete Car Park Wall

The next Russian viral video to do the rounds features this understeering chump...

Only in Russia can you find a driver who doesn't give a rat's buttocks about an impending meteor strike. And only in Russia can you find a motorist who prefers to overtake and show-off his 360 degree spin at the same time.

But it appears that Russians worldwide have themselves a new hero. Vlad (probably) can be seen in the video above showing off his "drifting skills" to a plethora of friends outside a Siberian shopping mall. There are only two problems: 1) said drifting is in fact chronic understeer and 2) said shopping mall has a nasty concrete wall only metres away from Vlad's machine. I think you can guess what happens next...

Screen Shot 2013-04-02 at 20.42.14

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