Sacred Cows #2 - The Ford Mustang

I adore the early first generation Mustang. It’s still a beautiful car to look at and there is absolutely no denying its impact on the automotive industry as well as popular culture as a whole. I also love the new Ford Mustang.

Sacred Cows #2 - The Ford Mustang

I adore the early first generation Mustang. It’s still a beautiful car to look at and there is absolutely no denying its impact on the automotive industry as well as popular culture as a whole. I also love the new Ford Mustang. It’s the car that will ensure that in another 50 years people will be looking back at Mustangs fondly while spending crazy amounts of cash on minty fresh examples at televised auctions.

The problem is the meat in the Mustang history sandwich isn’t very good, and it’s the meat that defines a sandwich.

Late first generation. If you don't know who Eleanor is then we can't be friends.
Late first generation. If you don't know who Eleanor is then we can't be…

The problem started during the first generation when it was developed under the management of Semon “Bunkie” Knudsen. The Mustang strayed from being a compact speed and power car as consumer demand went up for luxury and size. The reality is that if a car company asks for consumer feedback it’s inevitably going to be comfier seats, more cup holders and a smoother ride. A little more room and electric windows would also be nice.

2nd Generation
2nd Generation

Ford so very nearly caught itself and repaired the damage. The second generation was looking promising as it was put together with Lee Iacocca at the helm of Ford. Being a smart man, he wanted the Mustang to go back to it’s roots as a small, lightweight car. What he got was indeed smaller but due to new emissions and safety regulations it still got heavier and sluggish. To be fair of course, all manufacturers suffered in the 70’s to the point the muscle car was close to being killed off. It took a long time for technology to catch up with legislation and start producing real horsepower again.

Despite the attempt, the second generation was ultimately slow and unwieldy.

Sacred Cows #2 - The Ford Mustang

The next generation was just in time for the 80’s and Ford introduced the Fox Platform Mustang. Frankly, the Fox Mustang wasn’t terrible for it’s time but if it wasn’t named as a Mustang it would be populating internet lists of forgotten muscle cars. It was fairly quick, enough torque for its time and sold very well indeed. But take off those rose tinted spectacles and you can see it was a product of the very end of the seventies and beginning of the eighties - built to cost with the very cheapest of plastics and a lack of style style.

The good news is it was return a return to the ethos of the muscle car - it was all about the engine and anything else just had to do. More good news is it’s still an excellent platform to build a great car from, because in stock form they are nothing but disappointing now - unless you simply want a time capsule and “Word to your mother!” means something to you.

However, we can’t judge a car too much on how good you can make it now by completely changing and upgrading the car. We are judging the Mustang on how it rolled out of the factory, and the Fox platform Mustang wasn’t the worst. It was however very close to being the worst as during the sales slump and high fuel prices Ford actually had plans to make a front wheel drive version.

Not just that, but a Japanese designed front wheel drive Mustang four banger without a V8 option was on the table. Sends a shiver down the spine doesn’t it?

Fourth generation with the Ford
Fourth generation with the Ford

So thankfully the fourth generation didn’t have four cylinder engine when introduced in 1994. Instead it got a common V8 version cranking 260hp. A whole lot more than a four cylinder only option would have had. The Fox platform was tweaked underneath a little for this generation from a platform not much improved upon since 1979 and would run for a total of 25 years. On the outside Fords “New Edge” style language was also introduced and applied to the Mustang taking it as far away in style and individuality from the original as it got.

The reality is the Mustang had dialled out despite Fords best efforts in the second generation. It became a bland version of itself as Ford did just enough, then let things be so they could trade on the name for the next twenty five years.

Fifth generation.
Fifth generation.

This brings us to towards the rebirth of the Mustang in 2005 with a design recapturing the raw essence of the Mustang. This had to be a big impact as the Mustang name by this point had been so heavily diluted. To that degree they did an excellent job for the most part, and enough to capture peoples imaginations once again with a muscle car.

Unfortunately, the rear end was still hampered by a live axle rear suspension design. A weird sacrifice of handling over cost in a time when fully independent suspension had become normal in a road car, let alone a performance car. Ford claimed it would have added five thousand dollars to to the cost of the car but then went ahead and made power windows, dual power mirrors and power door locks with remote keyless entry all standard. The result being that on the one hand the muscle car ethos of power being most important looked like it was being upheld, but then luxury items were added as standard.

Sixth Generation
Sixth Generation

The good news was a huge step towards bringing us an actual full blooded Mustang at last, and in 2015 it arrived. It was a truly modern design but with styling that called back to the original car and gives it a real feeling of a heritage not actually earned. The rear suspension was switched to being fully independent and even the V6 is a decently quick engine. It looks good, it’s fun to drive and holds its own as a fully rounded sports car. The Mustang has now reached the point where it’s not just a great car in the U.S, it’s now a contender on the world stage.

The bottom lines are these:

In the long history of the Mustang only the first and the current generation have been great cars. We can argue the toss over the fifth generation but even if we agree it was a decent stepping point to this generation, the reality is that for the bulk of it’s life the Mustang simply didn’t improve upon the fifty year old original.

The Ford Mustang is two slices of excellent bread with processed and watered down meat in the middle.

Sacred Cows #2 - The Ford Mustang

Don’t forget you can follow me here.


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Szymek Slusarczyk

Excellent article Ian, for real this might be one of the best I read yet!

08/09/2016 - 12:35 |
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While I appreciate the comment, may I point out the last one had an adorable picture of child me with a trophy?

In all seriousness, thanks mate.

08/09/2016 - 12:38 |
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Gurminder Bains

Nice post mate! You should do more on the generations of cars.

08/09/2016 - 12:54 |
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Thanks mate, but I honestly don’t find the middle ones interesting enough to go granular. If I could find a late gen one or two to spend the day with, that might make for something interesting though. An adventure in an old Mustang… I would totally take one to a late night car meet to see what the kids make of it.

08/09/2016 - 13:00 |
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As a mustang enthusiast, I loved this article. But you missed a powerful point. Mustangs were never meant to be a “muscle car”, what there were meant to be were pony cars. light small sports cars with the essence of power that could be daily driven. They were designed for women (and i meant his strictly from the “1960s” women lol. The enthusiasm of the public and the original sales brought on the onslaught of heavier engines such as the Cobra jet mustangs. They made the muscle aspect and *option. from there on out, that was what the mustang was and what it was expected to be. the pessimism went on when the economy couldn’t support such gas guzzlers. they just wouldn’t sell the amount that was worth it. the reason 2015 was huge is that we are getting so far from our petrol edge, that there is now a sort of protest, where you almost want the biggest baddest engine again, no matter the fuel cost. And ford caught onto this and hit that on the head. watch the documentary “a faster horse” and you will have so much respect for ford where it is right now. the picture is my 1970 428 cobra jet. building her to her former glory, nearly there.

08/09/2016 - 13:02 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Nice observation and I do understand why people love the Mach 1 and the Cobra Jet. I just don’t think they are enough flavour in the sandwich.

What killed those early generations of Mustang was the fuel cost, shortage and the emissions. The muscle car nearly went extinct. It wasn’t necessarily the fault of Ford - without the legislation the second gen would probably have been exceptional. Except for the styling… it’s in the eye of the beholder but to me it’s ugly as sin.

I did see “A Faster Horse”, and it really does show the love and hard work that went into the new generations. The respect for Ford right now is exactly what I have, I absolutely love the new Mustang.

08/09/2016 - 13:12 |
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quit CT

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

He’s not he best at classifying cars lmao trust me.

09/04/2016 - 02:33 |
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I saw a mid-60s Mustang’vert last night, looked absolutely stunning.

08/09/2016 - 13:28 |
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early 5th and the entire 2nd generation never sat right with me. Doesn’t help that the original 5th gen GT’s were, well, underpowered. and the King Kobra exists.

08/09/2016 - 14:00 |
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What every foreigner needs to know, is that most late 70s to late 90s American cars are horrible plastic, unreliable, and ugly. Some were O.K. but They were what gave America its bad reputation.

08/09/2016 - 14:41 |
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My buddy has a 95 suburban that has lasted him 200,000 miles, that’s not unreliable lol. Also, the whole ugly thing is a matter of opinion,. After all, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.

08/10/2016 - 00:25 |
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CZ 69% Muscle

Do one on the AE86.Some people really can’t get it through their heads that it’s just a go-faster E80 Corolla and make all kinds of crazy assumptions like it having IRS(which it doesn’t)and good weight distribution(which it hasn’t,54/46)

08/09/2016 - 14:48 |
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I honestly don’t know enough about or driven one yet. I can see the germ of why it could be shot down.

08/09/2016 - 23:46 |
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Dat Incredible Chadkake

Next up, BMW M3 😏😉

08/09/2016 - 15:40 |
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E36 already has a rough draft…

08/09/2016 - 23:45 |
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