This Self Driving Uber Vehicle Is On Its Side After A Collision In Arizona.
Two ‘safety’ drivers were in the front seats of the Uber car, which was in self-driving mode at the time of the crash, Uber said in an email, a standard requirement for its self-driving vehicles. The back seat was empty.

Two ‘safety’ drivers were in the front seats of the Uber car, which was in self-driving mode at the time of the crash, Uber said in an email, a standard requirement for its self-driving vehicles. The back seat was empty.
Uber has been getting itself in trouble recently, and it looks like this won’t help. A car apparently failed to yield for the Uber vehicle and the resulting impact led to it rolling onto its side.

The problem here is that the XC90 SUVs are their autonomous vehicles.
And it crashed.
Wether it was driving in its autonomous mode is as yet unknown, but the not-really-a-ride-sharing company has been testing out cars in Tempe Arizona where this happened. According to reports so far (Friday night) there was a passenger in the vehicle but no injuries were sustained.
Uber was recently in trouble in California and received a cease and desist letter for operating without a permit. On top of that, Uber is having trouble with scandals and sexual harassment allegations. This won’t help their cause as there will no doubt be a lot of press on the incident shortly, and wether it was in self driving mode or not is basically the only question anyone will care about.
Sources: Fresco News and ABC 15.
Update: The car was in self driving mode at the time of the crash. Uber have suspended their self driving car programme as a result, and the question now is “would a human driver have avoided the collision?”.
Hundreds of thousands of collisions are avoided every day by people that didn’t make the initial mistake, and to be allowed on the road autonomous cars need to be at least as good as humans at defensive driving.
Matt Robinson
The volvo doesn’t even look phased by the accident, looks like it just decided to roll over
That’s what my cats do.
“I’m bored now…”
Lol that car next to it is wrecked though
let this stuff happen, thats how they prevent it
Well said! At least they’re attempting progress.
just roll it back on wheels and continue
Not even the wingmorrors are damaged.
Looks to be bent forwards, but it’s possibly just popped out and can be put back in place, I love how from the 90s car companies started to do that, must’ve saved heaps of mirrors over the years
I’m weirdly happy about this…
But the poor XC90!!
The Volvo is so immaculate it looks like footage out of GTA, until you see the state of the car in the background. Damn, Volvo.
Has FailRace been developing driverless cars?
At FailRace we don’t do driverless cars, but if we did they would look something like this xD
It sucks the media wont put the title “Someone crashed into a Self Driving Uber vehicle”.
Well you said “A car appaeently failed to yeild for the Uber vehicle…”
So someone else crashed the uber.
How can we expect a computer to fix other humans mistakes. Thats asking too much. And blaming uber is just knit picking.
No one is blaming Uber. It’s all under the label “apparently” because we don’t know what happened.
It’s entirely possible that if it was in autonomous mode and failed to avoid an accident, even if it was the other drivers fault, that a human most likely would… then that’s a problem.
Hundreds of thousands of collisions per day are avoided because people get out of the way or stop in time for the person at fault.
Volvo after crash be like
puts it back on wheels
rolls away without a scratch