Senior Volvo Engineer Thinks Tesla's Autopilot System Sucks

In a recent interview, the technical leader of crash avoidance at Volvo laid into Autopilot, labelling it "more of an unsupervised wannabe"
Senior Volvo Engineer Thinks Tesla's Autopilot System Sucks

As far as Tesla is concerned, its Autopilot system has been a roaring success. After all, Elon Musk mentioned only recently that it reduces the probability of an accident for its users by a massive 50 per cent. However, not everyone is convinced.

Speaking to The Verge, Volvo’s senior technical leader of crash avoidance Trent Victor was critical of the system, saying that “it gives you the impression that it’s doing more than it is,” adding that Autopilot “is more of an unsupervised wannabe.”

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The danger of this, according to Victor, is that its users are tempted to get on with other things - checking emails, high-fiving passengers etc - despite the fact they’re expected to take back control at a moment’s notice. And if they do need to take back control, crucial time will be lost due to the fact that they’re not prepared.

This is what’s known as a Level 3 autonomous vehicle, but what Volvo prefers is the idea of a Level 4 vehicle. That’s why Volvo’s Drive Me pilot - due to be rolled out in limited public tests next year - fits into the Level 4 description, and will be a safer solution, says Victor. “In our concept, if you don’t take over, if you have fallen asleep or are watching a film, then we will take responsibility still… We won’t just turn [it] off.”

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We’ve already seen people act like utter idiots with the current state of Tesla’s autopilot. It can only get worse from my perspective

04/28/2016 - 15:55 |
6 | 1

LOL!!! mustang mode

04/28/2016 - 16:25 |
29 | 2

Omg that name should be official 😁

04/28/2016 - 17:14 |
6 | 0

What happened there, is that the system was off

04/28/2016 - 20:18 |
3 | 1


04/28/2016 - 22:36 |
1 | 0

It’s just a glorified radar guided cruise control, combined with lane control.

04/28/2016 - 16:02 |
5 | 1

A level 4 autopilot system can’t work probably before everyone have it.

04/28/2016 - 16:38 |
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Edward Lopez

If I worked for Volvo, I would say the same thing even when I know its not true.

04/28/2016 - 16:58 |
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Harrison Stoff

VOLVO FOR LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

04/28/2016 - 17:10 |
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Cmon guys this technology is still new on the road have a bit of slack

04/28/2016 - 17:20 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

That was because some idiot forgot to turn the system on..

04/30/2016 - 13:42 |
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when Volvo says it’s not safe, then you know it’s not safe

04/28/2016 - 19:09 |
3 | 0

Oo! I like Volvo’s point, but is it an all electrical car too? Maybe Volvo can build an all electrical autonomous car then fire shots? Because when Tesla get to this level 4 and they will, then they’re going to be a tough competition.

04/28/2016 - 19:30 |
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