A Simple Horn Blast Probably Saved This Woman's Life

This woman in Queensland, Australia had an incredibly close shave after a Toyota driver blew straight through a pedestrian crossing
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While crossings like these in Australia and many parts of the world give right of way to the pedestrian, it’s still important to keep your wits about you. This video does a good job of demonstrating why, as not everyone is attentive enough to see you and stop.

Had it not been for the camera car warning the woman via a horn blast, she may well have been hit by the blue Toyota.

Video via Car Scoops

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10/20/2016 - 11:28 |
193 | 3

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

The fastest car in the world!

10/20/2016 - 11:53 |
58 | 0

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Only Jeremy Clarkson can make a Toyota Corolla 1.6 looks like a Subaru WRX STi on television.

10/21/2016 - 02:14 |
20 | 0
AmilBRZ 🌐

So, by comparison… This should save my faith in humanity.

10/20/2016 - 11:29 |
83 | 1

Maybe. Not.

10/20/2016 - 11:32 |
5 | 0

That amount of horn beeping all at the same time is more likely to destroy planet Earth instead of saving someone’s life 😂

10/20/2016 - 17:13 |
2 | 1
Chewbacca_buddy (McLaren squad)(VW GTI Clubsport)(McLaren 60

Crossy road level: real life

10/20/2016 - 11:34 |
34 | 2
10/20/2016 - 11:54 |
2 | 2

Also huge d’ck move of the toyota. He saw the camera car has stopped so he just had to do the same (or just slowing down) even without seeing the woman.

10/20/2016 - 11:55 |
5 | 1

well other day I stop in a cross walk, then sit and watch 8 car in opposite way to just pass trough while the old woman waited whit a bunch of flowers I suspect were for a death relative grave in the other side of the road…

10/20/2016 - 13:56 |
2 | 0

Not that much of d*ck move as much of simply being idiot. I bet he didnt even think about a pedestrian coming. But then again, why didnt the pedestrian look if there is a car coming?

10/20/2016 - 17:33 |
0 | 0

He should start attending mustang meets. Think of all the lives that could be saved.

10/20/2016 - 12:17 |
14 | 6

You just had to go there, didn’t you? This isn’t Facebook, you know.

10/20/2016 - 14:35 |
5 | 6

Shows how much attention other people pay to actually driving their cars in QLD: practically none whatsoever. And before you jump up my ass like my colon is a waterslide, I actually live in QLD. Most non-car people just can’t drive for sh!t here. Perhaps it’s the sun that makes them dumb.

10/20/2016 - 12:20 |
13 | 1
Michael Kelm

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

After some of the idiots I’ve been seeing lately I don’t think Victoria is much better. I saw a red p-plater actually manage to get what appeared to be tyre smoke to come off a Mazda 6 whilst turning off from the inside lane of a 4 lane road through town.

10/20/2016 - 15:08 |
2 | 1

But how dumb do you have to be to not look if there is a car coming your way? I dont understand how can people be this unaware of their surroundings.

10/20/2016 - 17:32 |
6 | 1

Thats half the problem…that was one of the first thing my parents taught me “LOOK BOTH WAYS WHEN CROSSING THE ROAD” LOL

10/20/2016 - 23:19 |
1 | 0

Safe’s them from deadly accidents… But probably would also scare them to death

10/20/2016 - 19:57 |
0 | 0
Warren 1

I live in this city. That is not the half of what happens on a daily basis.

10/20/2016 - 23:59 |
0 | 0

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