The Smallest Car Dealership In The World Is Launching Inside A Phone Booth

Don’t worry, we’ve checked for chronically out-of-sync April Fool’s jokes. Peugeot really has unveiled what it’s calling the world’s smallest car dealership… in a classic British phone box.
Phone booth geeks will know this classic red phone box as the K6-series, the iconic telephone booth that used to be found all over the UK before the advent of mobile phones. This one, on London’s Russell Square, is set to open for actual business on 12 September – that’s next Tuesday.
‘Peugeot Russell Square’ will only open for those who gain a special code at a specific web address. Inside the booth they’ll find a tablet device connected to (brace for marketing) an ‘e-commerce portal’ where they can browse, configure, finance and order a new car. There’s a seat, a desk and a ‘forecourt’ filled with 1:64 scale model Peugeots. There’s Wi-Fi for the iPad, natch.

It comes after Peugeot launched an online car-ordering system in January, which, the brand says, has done quite well. Thursday afternoons are, for some reason, the most popular times for ordering a new Peugeot. The 0.8-square-metre Russell Square ‘dealership’ will be open daily from 7am to midnight, as long as no friendly local vandals decide to put it out of action.
Peugeot Russell Square is open until the end of September, so if you’re a Londoner and you’d like to leave the comfort of your own home to look at Peugeots on the Internet while sitting inside a phone booth, you know what to do.
There’s no way that won’t get vandalised and the iPad stolen
Here in eastern europe the whole phone booth would be stolen.
I thought Londoners were better than that
Customer: “I’m Minimalist.”
Peugeot: “Say No More.”
in Jony Ive’s voice
“The process of buying a car is, before everything else, an experience. And Appl- PEUGEOT redefines this experience. Here’s the all new iBoot- PEUGEOT BOOTH, conceived to give you an unique e x p e r i e n c e ™. We, at Appl- PEUGEOT DESIGN CENTER, wanted to share with you our idea of how the car buying e x p e r i e n c e ™ should be.
We think buying a car should be a pleasant process, focused around the customer. That’s why we designed the iBoot- PEUGEOT RUSSELL SQUARE BOOTH: to make you order a iCa- Peugeot in private, sheltered from any pressure you could have which would alter the e x p e r i e n c e ™ we want you to get. With that in mind, the iBo-Peugeot booth is equiped with a sound-suppressing device, and is equiped with a TouchID-ish system, to give us your fingerpri- TO ENHANCE YOUR CAR BUYING E X P E R I E N C E ™ AND GIVE YOU A TASTE OF THE FUTURE. Because this is how ordering a car should be.
This is not a prototype, this is an “experiment”. Only available for a month.
Peugeot. Designed in France.”
The person who came up with this idea might have some weird Clark Kent thing going on.
The link doesnt work
I feel like the whole point of going to a dealership is to see in person and test drive the car you want. If you want to buy a car without seeing it then people would rather order online where they don’t have to put on pants
Meanwhile in my city, Toyota has a huge 4 story dealership that handles literally anything Toyota related you throw at them
Why do I imagine it like a shopping center? xD
*enters dealership and walks to information desk
me: “I’m looking for a Corolla”
Woman at Information desk: “No problem, second floor, aisle number 5. Have a nice day”
*walks upstairs
Salesman: “How can I help you?”
me: “I’m interested in the Corolla, but I don’t want a red one. Do you have it in blue?”
Salesman: “Please wait a moment, I’ll have a look if we have some in our stock.”
Would be pretty funny xD
Where is that?
I’ll give it a week before its littered with calling cards from escort girls and stinks of p*ss
Why not a Police Blue one and make it a PeugeoTardis?
“Make a Call, buy a car And uncomfortably lean against the person selling the car to you.”