The Solution To Traffic Is Simple, But I Guarantee You'll Hate It

Traffic is unavoidable due to many factors out of our control - people who drive too fast, people who drive too slowly, BMW drivers... - but there is one simple solution to end all solutions. You're not going to like it though
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Ok. Here goes…

For that to work would mean only autonomous cars.

All cars sold today will have an average life of ten years. Some will go way longer, many will be written off in accidents.

Even if new manual drive cars stopped selling tomorrow (which they won’t) the technology and infrastructure for this is still decades away.
Bottom line:

It’s not that I don’t like it…

It’s that I don’t give a shiny f*ck because I will be dead before all cars on the road are autonomous.

09/01/2016 - 08:45 |
222 | 14

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Mark my words, non self driving cars will be banned sooner than we expect.After self driving car become accepted (10 years? maybe, 15 years? something like that) and add 5-10 years to that, I’m fairly sure that we’ll start seeing cities that simply doesn’t allow cars that are not self driving, same as cars with high emissions are banned from some cities. As the video said, self driving cars—>less traffic, more free time, who wouldn’t like that, apart from the few gearheads who live in the city?

Oh, and even if they don’t get banned, the insurance premiums will be so high, that the average guys won’t able to afford the insurance on a non self driving car, just look at Britain and their insanely high insurance prices for young people with cars that are at least a tiny bit not boring.

09/01/2016 - 10:11 |
40 | 10

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

This will happen in some city centres in our lifetime… but at a time when our hair is greying and filling a car with petrol is as rare as charging an electric vehicle is today

09/01/2016 - 11:50 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

The real solution is to put the same automated computer driver in non automated cars so they can communicate to all the automated vehicles and make the self driving cars aware of them. So when someone wants to change lanes the automated cars know they are and can change course accordingly.

09/03/2016 - 00:20 |
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I’m just waiting for flying cars so that petrolheads have the streets to themselves

09/01/2016 - 08:49 |
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That would be nice and all but no one will maintain the streets.

09/01/2016 - 14:38 |
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Why do I get a Zero Punctuation vibe from this? Only with a f*ckton less swearing.

09/01/2016 - 08:55 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

I love ZP. Convinces me not to buy lots of games…

09/01/2016 - 08:56 |
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“BMW Drivers.” Such as a certain staffer at CarThrottle. Could you paint a bigger target on your back if you tried Alex?

09/01/2016 - 08:58 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

If he had said Mustang owners then this thread would be soooOOoooo full of butthurt…

09/01/2016 - 09:03 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

A lot of the CT staff have BMW’s

09/01/2016 - 09:11 |
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The Solution To Traffic Is Simple, But I Guarantee You'll Hate It

I was just about to like it, thinking “what could Alex mean by hating it? I agree with everything this video says.” But then the “solution” was revealed 😐

09/01/2016 - 09:12 |
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In reply to by Desrun

“Yeah, we should ban humans from driving.” I’m sorry, what? I hate pubic transport enough already: I don’t want it driven by binary code.

09/01/2016 - 09:15 |
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I was going to post this but came back to carthrottle to find out it was already posted lol.

Apparently their solution was to get rid of drivers and everyone should drive autonomous cars, the answer every car enthusiast hates -__-

09/01/2016 - 09:21 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Some of the comment make me sad :(

“nah, would be more fun and more convenient. driving is a chore and is super boring. I can’t wait for self driving cars“

“If the only satisfaction you get in life is driving cars, I do not want to be on the road anywhere near you.“

“Are you kidding? I’d much rather smoke some weed and chill in my car playing board games on a road trip than to f*ing DRIVE.“

“Yep, just not on the road with everyone else. You’re so much more fallible than a computer, why should we be forced to suffer your presence?
Take your s* off road.“

“Don’t force me to use an auto driving car! I REFUSE to use a computer for my job because I prefer the freedom of manually entering spreadsheets with 500+ items and nine columns per item, four of which include calculations. Stop the tyranny of being made to use electronic databases instead of my own system which involves several filing cabinets with cross-referenced entries in alphabetical order. I don’t care if it makes my company slow, inefficient and error-prone, I will not bow down to the computer overlords!
And this is what it sounds like when the obviously better option is being rejected because ‘the old way is best’ (which it definitely is not). Shed a tear for the knocker-uppers, the lamplighter and the chimney sweep, for their jobs no longer exist.“

09/01/2016 - 09:38 |
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Tbh, this vídeo is absolutely brilliant when it shows the problem and explains the traffic reasons and so on. The big trouble of the video is the solution of autonomous cars specially because How can I trust in sometinhg which doesn’t reduce speed on intersections with traffic as shown in this video? There’s more, I always will prefer simple solutions - like driving more gentle and smoothly on traffic instead of getting complex autonomous solutions…. That’s the problem of the video

09/01/2016 - 09:29 |
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09/01/2016 - 09:35 |
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Chris Mintjes

In reply to by RoyP

Cause innocent people will die by the hands of idiots

09/01/2016 - 10:40 |
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Basically it’s all because BMW drivers…

09/01/2016 - 09:42 |
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Ali Mahfooz

Going by that logic, even employment should be replaced with automation and AI… no one will turn up late (or anyone will turn up at all), no excuses, no vacation, no sick leaves, more production = more profit, more money to you. :P

09/01/2016 - 09:57 |
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*more money to crapitalists

09/01/2016 - 10:18 |
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BUT ownership should also be automated because Owners make stuff inefficient. 100% of the polulation should be unemployed and shopping should be automated too. everyone gets a little survey on what they want once a week and then AI buys it for them. everyone has the same set budget, lives in the same quality home and has the same type of life.

09/02/2016 - 18:20 |
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