Soon Amazon Drones Will Be Able To Recharge Your Electric Car… While You’re Driving

Being able to recharge an electric car while it’s still driving is the holy grail of future mobility. You could, theoretically, drive as far as you wanted even into areas where there are no charging stations.
Obviously it’s not that simple, but Amazon has been granted a patent for a drone that can dock with a specially-equipped car and dump a fresh battery-load of electricity into its metaphorical tank. Clever.

Car makers and suppliers are working hard on new battery technologies, like solid state, which would allow a drone to carry vastly more mileage to waiting cars, owing to higher energy densities and lower weight.
In this amazing future we’re talking about, when you order a recharge drone, presumably via your car’s Internet-connected Amazon link, it shows up at a specific rendezvous point and then identifies your car as it passes, before catching it up, enacting its mating ritual with your roof, after which you simply watch your driving range climb back up on your instrument cluster, if we have such things by the time this drone tech arrives.

The patent has sparked speculation that Amazon could be planning its own car, with which the drone would be designed to interface. It would give the car a crucial advantage over even long-range electric cars like Teslas. It wouldn’t be cheap, but for loaded business types, this really could be a technology worth paying for.
Source: TechRadar
Will the drone be capable of lifting up the car into the air, I wonder? 🤔
We’re talking about a drone here, not a Chinook helicopter
Airbus are working on that very idea.
I think buying a jet pack would probably still be more practical :-P
Or a paper airplane.
Is there really a point in this? The drones themselves consume electricity and if the battery has any power it will still be somewhat heavy. If a drone can lift it surely it can’t hold much charge?
At the moment you’re right, but with solid state battery tech and larger drones, who knows?
and then the electric car powertrain as a whole will cause even more emissions, making them even less “green” in most countries.
Gee, I can’t imagine where they got the idea from . . .
They should just do that with gas lol :)
En-route refueling
Aaaaannnnddddd, number one on the list of things that will not happen within the foreseeable future: drumroll
Science has gone waay to far, we need to stop this before the Iluminatii take over!
this is how you ruin your battery, using the car while its charging will just turn it into a ihone with a one year old battery
F**k of lol THEY JUST WONT
SUREEEEE, get the drone running first then we’ll talk.