This Stubborn Car Driver Tries To Force A Trucker To Give Way And Causes A Seriously Stupid Crash
Usually it only takes one person to cause a crash, especially if that person doesn’t understand the rules.
This dash-cam video was reportedly shot a week or so ago by a truck driver in Australia, despite the footage being dated January 2016. The stubborn car driver on the left who is trying to merge with traffic clearly thinks the truck should get out of his way.

Aussie law on this is a bit confusing, but states that where there are lines separating the lanes you need to give way to traffic in the lane you’re merging into. It’s only when there are no lines at the merging point that the vehicle behind has to give way to the vehicle in front. Here, there are clearly lines all the way.
The car driver gallantly ploughs on, hits the truck and quickly ends up facing the way he came. Let’s hope he reads the rules next time!
I can’t be sure, but I’m confident in saying this happened somewhere in Queensland. Seriously, the majority of people just cannot merge into lanes to save their lives. And I should know: I live in Queensland.
No indicators? Is he trying to become a bmw driver?
Maybe he’s a former owner?
Doesn’t look like he was trying to merge at all and panicked when his lane ran out!
He was trying to merge but stupidly, he didn’t try to go faster to be in front of the truck or to brake to avoid the sigh and let the truck pass through. He should have brake.
That driver was more dense than concrete. Jeeeez
A typical 4WD driver in Australia…sadly
That’s just a typical 4WD driver over here in Australia. They all think they own every square mm of everything and everyone else is in the wrong for being on the road
Rule #1: mass has the right of way.
just like politic’s rule 1
Bigger Army Diplomacy.
4X4 Driver be like:
actually thats how trafic jams are made. If everyone used two lanes till the end in then would let every second car to go, there should be significantly les traffic jams. :)
It’s just another day here in the land down under mate.
his gas pedal and brakes must of disappeared