This Tesla Model 3 Took A 12m Fall Off The Road

After the driver of this Model 3 suffered a suspected medical emergency at the wheel, his car left the road and tumbled down a 40-foot embankment into a daycare play area
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This is what happens when you (unintentionally) roll your Tesla Model 3 off a 12m (40ft) embankment.

The driver, who it’s thought had some kind of seizure in the moments before the crash, escaped the crash without serious injuries, despite the car’s outer structure being ruined. The passenger cell looks fully intact, with no visible deformation to the A-pillars.

This Tesla Model 3 Took A 12m Fall Off The Road

Scarily, it fell straight into the play area of a daycare centre just below South West Moody Avenue. Thankfully it happened early in the morning before any children were at the site. The possibilities if it had occurred a few hours later don’t bear thinking about.

The EV crash safety argument will rear its head again, though, as a “small” fire broke out in the Model 3’s batteries as a tow truck attempted to remove it from the scene. The fire was put out quickly, but general concerns seem justified.

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Glad it didn’t land on anyone. Also, Tesla needs to fix their fire issues. Nissan Leaf’s don’t have this problem.

07/25/2019 - 01:20 |
1 | 1

Y’all talking about the car, I’m concerned as to why a daycare is so close to a ledge

07/25/2019 - 02:32 |
10 | 0

in my eyes, a destroyed Tesla is a good Tesla. One less box to worry about.

07/25/2019 - 10:22 |
6 | 6

Lucky he wasn’t impaled on the pole sticking out of the front of the car.

07/26/2019 - 16:34 |
0 | 0

ufff, looks sad

07/30/2019 - 08:38 |
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HCR Writing Space

This is the same story as mine 3 weeks ago,where a truck fell from the highway.

08/01/2019 - 14:40 |
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