Tesla Promo Shows Roadster Interior And Teases Mystery Vehicle
All is not well at Tesla right now. As Model 3 production issues persist the company has been burning through a terrifying amount of cash, and let’s not forget how CEO Elon Musk brushed off media queries about the company’s precarious financial state as “bonehead questions.”
Perhaps that’s why the Californian firm has released a nice glossy video about all the cool stuff it’s been spending all that cash out. This includes a decent look at the futuristic interior of the Roadster (1min 5sec mark), some slick footage of the Gigafactory, and most interesting of all, a mystery car partly hidden under a sheet (15sec).

Naturally, this has sent the Internet into speculation overdrive. Is it the incoming Model Y? Is it a revamped Model S? Is Tesla trolling us all as a distraction technique?
Right now, we can’t help but think it’s the latter - whatever it is just looks too low to be the Model Y crossover, and you’d understand why Tesla would want to indulge in a smoke and mirrors exercise right now.
We’ll open the floor to your suggestions…
Maybe a revamped Model S? But then again, with the way things are at Tesla right now, they better get on with Model 3
I can’t quite tell, but it almost looks like a race car of some sort
That’s what I thought. Pikes Peak?
Under the sheets? Merely a Model 3 that fell way short of quality control
tEsLA eXpOseD?!?
Wait, Tesla has quality control?
So it’ll be sent to the customer this week
This is why they don’t have any money they are spending it on teaser cars.
I’m guessing that’s a roadster under the sheets. There doesn’t appear to be four doors.
Its not!How can you not see four doors
Tesla model t or truck cause that’s Ford’s name
Cant wait to see Fords reaction to that.
If we can figure out the angle we can figure out the length of the vehicle. You could start by measuring the dimensions of the wheels and since it’s circular you could deduce the angle from that. You could then, in comparison to the wheel size, measure the rest of the vehicle, but this would only work if they compare to the wheel size of some of tesla’s other vehicles. Either way, you could determine whether or not it’s an existing Tesla vehicle. In theory, anyway. If anyone volunteers to do this that would be great.
Try r/theydidthemath on Reddit. Someone will figure it out there. Probably
Really hard to see the wheels to get the dimensions. Need a better quality image.
It could be an all electric pikes peak racer
That’s what I think
Tesla 2018, now with added bankruptcy
Tesla: this generation’s AMC
See above for picture of the model 3 production line