These 18 Ridiculous Gifs Show The Pros And Cons Of Motorcycling
Bikes give you supercar baiting performance for an affordable price. They have the ability to take you around the world. And they occasionally make you feel like a superhero. Shame they come with some downsides...

Pro: You feel like a superhero

Con: Until it goes spectacularly wrong

Pro: You always arrive in style

Con: As long as you don't lose your balance

Pro: You feel part of the two-wheeled community

Con: But things can get a little cramped

Pro: You can cruise with bae

Con: Bae can easily ditch you when things go wrong

Pro: You always feel like you're on an adventure

Con: But long rides can be seriously uncomfortable

Pro: Trail bikes give you go anywhere ability and God-like powers

Con: Just make sure you nail the basics if you don't want to look like a fool

Pro: You have the ability to defy physics

Con: Just make sure you don't fall off

Pro: The speed is absolutely awesome

Con: But burnouts can be tricky...

The more time I spend CT the more I’m in convinced that I have to learn how to ride one of these days.
It really is simple. Most of it is honestly faith. Bikes respond very quickly to your input, you just need to have faith that it will do it. Because it will do anything in its power to stay upright. Just stay within your means and the bikes. I’m a new street rider, I was sketched out at first but now not so much having tried it.
You should try. It’s not to hard to learn, and the choice of bikes is amazing, at first, take it easy, and gradually you’ll feel the bike more, and you will try to take the most of your bike
bikes are great, they put you in a different perspective and make you a much more responsible driver because of the immediate danger they provide…just don’t get cocky with wheelies :)
if you know how to ride a bicycle, then this’ll be easy to learn.
Burnout dude 😂 😂 😂 😂
Braap Braaaap
i’ve seen it so many times but it still makes me laugh everytime i see it
one thing I loved about the 2 wheeled community is it doesn’t matter what you ride, you always get a wave.
Except for when you’re in the USA. Most of the harley riders there are to cool to wave😂
Same here in Romania…they dont wave either. and the arrogant kids with lots of money on their supersports either even if you own a supersport too.
Well confidence.. and experiences are the key.. you gotta love filtering and country road riding
but Isle of Man is the other level :d
I just got my motorcycle endorsement two weeks ago
Pirelli Diablo Super Bike. No need of phone mounts, just start and put it in your pocket during the timer and it will auto calibrate to the correct angle settings.
maybe I should get a bike license, hmmm
A piece of advice: you should.
Just bought a 2012 GSX-R 1000 for my 30th birthday and i love it more and more everyday. The feelings and emotions are srsly hard to describe. The feeling when you pull hard in 1st 2nd and 3rd gear watch down for a moment and realize you are doing 240kmh but it feels like home. Like it needs to be at these speeds to feel comfy. The cornering when you see the pavement coming so close you could touch it with ease, cornering at intense angles and finding YOUR limit or the bikes. Loving those things and a lot more than that
Love these pro/con gif posts
I have ridden on the road I’m a city for the better part of a year now every day, before that country riding for ages, I have been in one instance where I feared for my life and it was from someone on their phone. I didn’t get close to actually crashing though because I had realised they are on their phone and watched for wheel movement the whole time with my fingers on the brake