These Ferrari 458 Crash Pics Show The Beauty Of Destruction

Ferrari 458 racer Eric Cheung escaped unhurt from this destructive 458 crash

This incredible set of photos captures the moment a Ferrari Challenge Trofeo Pirelli racer wrecked his 458 at Sydney Motorsport Park yesterday.

Jayson Fong was the man behind the lens, and he talked us through the action: "Eric Cheung came over the crest and lost traction when his rear wheels hit some slippery grass off the track. He made heavy contact with the wall and slid down the hill. Ken Seto in Car 107 was trailing closely behind and narrowly avoided hitting Cheung, but spun out and ended up stuck in the mud further down the hill."

Cheung was left in a precarious position, "stuck in the middle of the track and on the racing line as cars came over the crest at race speed. Track officials were waving flags but drivers weren't slowing down appropriately, continuing at speed over the crest, suddenly having to brake hard and swerve to miss Cheung. Some spun out into the grass, narrowly missing wall contact as well."

Fong continues: "Cheung must have decided he didn't want to be a sitting duck with his driver's side exposed to the cars coming over, and attempted to get out but the door was jammed - it took him a good 20 seconds to push it out. All the while, cars were still coming over at race speed as he stood facing oncoming cars which narrowly missed hitting him at ridiculous speeds... Finally he ran across the hot track and was pulled over the wall by officials."

Fortunately everyone involved walked away without any injuries, though the same can't be said of the 10 car. That is an absolute mess.

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