These Mechanics Rescued A Kitten From A Tesla's Electric Motor

The feral kitten made a home in the cavity surrounding the motor, and when the Tesla's owner tried to lure the car out with food overnight, it simply ate the tuna and took a dump in his garage, before crawling back inside the car!
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It’s not unheard of for small animals to take up residence in an engine bay; it’s dry and warm, though not particularly safe. It seems even electric cars aren’t safe from wild animals looking for a place to stay.

According to Green Car Reports, the owner of this Tesla noticed a paw hanging from a gap behind the car, and thought he’d killed a cat. After moving the car to investigate, the paw was gone, and he couldn’t see anything, so forgot about it.

Later they heard meowing from the garage, and decided to investigate further:

“After searching around, I pointed a flashlight through the rear wheel and past the suspension and frame, and saw a pair of little eyes staring back at me.

“We put out food and left the garage door open, hoping it would leave overnight. But it only ate the food and climbed back in.

“On Sunday, we borrowed a live trap from a friend, put a can of tuna fish in it, and let the car sit all day.

“This time the kitten came out, took a dump in the garage, left the tuna alone, and climbed back into the Tesla.

Fortunately, the story has a happy ending. The Tesla owner has already found someone to adopt the kitten, and its new mum has promised to give it a Tesla-themed name. Elon the cat, anyone?

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