Today's Community Question: What is the best race car paint scheme of all time?
Paint schemes can make or break the aesthetics of a racing car. Ultimately they need to compliment the lines of the machine, look great from a distance, and stand the test of time. The Honda RA107 with its overly fussy ‘globe’ livery is an example of how not to do it.
Paint schemes can make or break the aesthetics of a racing car. Ultimately they need to compliment the lines of the machine, look great from a distance, and stand the test of time. The Honda RA107 with its overly fussy ‘globe’ livery is an example of how not to do it. On television and in pictures the colours of the world just blended into an indistinguishable mess; not surprising it was dropped after only one year.
Personally, my favourite livery is the Martini Racing stripes. They look perfect on everything from Formula 1 cars of the 1970s to modern day Porsche GT3s.
But we want to know, what do you guys think is the best racing livery all time. Let us know in the comments below!
Martini racing
I totally agree
Gulf Livery!
Ours obviously
I expected a car engulfed in shiny chrome diskloks
Renown 787 B
I always enjoy the way nismo makes they’re GT3 cars look like
They’re = They are
Their = of them
Hope I’ve been helpful
Or spoon looks good i think.
Like Miata, the answer is always Gulf Oil livery!
It works on everything, even a reliant robin!
I like it so much!
Nothing compares
My favorite
The Toyota corolla paint scheme looks amazing
Need I say more?
In love with this thing
Yes. The Marlboro one is the best
Asides from the lung cancer and manufacturers recent efforts to whitewash that period of racing history (see “McLaren” on the sides of show cars instead of Marlboro,) it is an epic livery.