Today's Community Question: What's the worst trouble your car’s ever landed you in?

Cars have the ability to bring us together, expand our horizons and provide us with unforgettable experiences. But they can also land us in all kinds of trouble. So this week, we want to know: what’s the worst situation you’ve found yourself in thanks to your car?

Cars have the ability to bring us together, expand our horizons and provide us with unforgettable experiences. But they can also land us in all kinds of trouble. So this week, we want to know: what’s the worst situation you’ve found yourself in thanks to your car?

Perhaps you’ve broken down in the middle of nowhere or, like me, you’ve seen your life flash before your eyes during a monumental crash (see above).

Let us know - this is going to be fun!

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Coming down a country road during a spirited drive at three in the morning, visibility was poor even with the high beams on, and all of a sudden there were two deer on the road, one blocking the opposite lane and one blocking mine. Luckily they were staggered with about 5 feet or 1.5 meters of distance between them, so I decided to brake as hard as I safely could and weave between them. There were trees less than 1.5 feet or 0.5 meters from the road to either side. Both deer were facing out from the center of the road, so I was hoping they wouldn’t turn and jump at my car as I passed between them. That split second while I was weaving through the two of them felt like eternity. I swear that I looked into their eyes and begged them not to jump in front of the path I had chosen. This was the scariest moment I’ve had in a car thus far. If I didn’t have as much experience as I did at the initial moment where I had to decide whether to go left, right, or down the middle, I’m afraid I wouldn’t have came out of that situation unscratched. The instant that I realized I had made it past the two deer without hitting either of them or losing control of the car and swerving into a tree, my heart rate exploded. I could feel the adrenaline pumping through my body, but only after I knew I was safe. This all happened so quickly that I didn’t have time to think and any action that I took was simply instinct. I’m thankful that this wasn’t my first spirited drive, because I think that was what saved it from being my last…

01/13/2016 - 18:29 |
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1999 Cadillac bust into flames while sitting in traffic, and burnt to a chrisp..
2000 Dodge Dakota RT - Blew the bottom end on the highway and leaked all the oil, coolant, and everything else liquid onto the road.. yes gas as well..
2007 WRX STI - Blew a rod, through the inner fender and hood.. Caught fire and melted the hood to the engine like a cocoon..
2009 Roush 429R mustang Black edition - Blew past a cop at 167MPH in a 55mph zone, he pulled out, but i didn’t stop to figure out what he wanted..
2006 Scion XB - 3efte Swap - Passed two trucks at 127Mph and got a ticket in the mail for reckless endangerment

Let’s start with those..

01/13/2016 - 18:29 |
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Mine not that bad lol just 55… Over

01/13/2016 - 18:35 |
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Lars Henrik

neighbour complaints….

01/13/2016 - 18:41 |
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Well it wasn’t really my car but I was having fun with my mates (on a backroad where no one drives anymore), and one of them said: “Hey do you want to come with me I know a great section for drifting.” So I obviously said yes. At that time he was driving his E36 318 beater. The road was quite wet so neither lack of power nor open diff was a problem. So we drove of, and he decided to rip his f*ing E-brake on a horizon after which was a right turn. Needles to say he lost control, and we started spinning. We span a few times and stopped like 15 cm from a tree… with a rear axle hanging in the air. Well still better than if it happened a turn later. We would have ended in a lake.

01/13/2016 - 18:57 |
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error 404: Situation not found. I drive a Toyota.

01/13/2016 - 19:24 |
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First snow fall of the year, in an Audi A4 Quattro with snow tyres on.
Slid down a hill and slammed in to a curb and a pole… $881 to fix the suspension
You trusted me… you had all the tools to succeed… and I failed you…. T.T

01/13/2016 - 20:15 |
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I’m a fookin’ legend m8. Rainy day, 40 Over the limit in a Mazda Mx-3 (K8 powaaaa), got spotted by the cops, took a hard right turn and lost traction. After i clipped the curb i rolled 3 times before it stopped on the roof, had 2 broken ribs, a sprained ankle and a concussion. What really hurt was the laughing cops, i’ve never been able to speed recklessly on that road ever since.

01/13/2016 - 20:16 |
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When I first got my license and my buddy turned 18 we went to the movies and being a young teen with a few friends in the car, I thought it would be a good idea to stick my head out the window and sing along to the STRAIGHT FIRE of Taylor Swift’s vocal chords being played through my speakers. I heard from inside the car “WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!?” and popped my head back in to see i was 30 feet from a completely stopped 2011 camaro. Being that I’ve played my fair share of call of duty and have acquired fast reflexes, I swerved to the left and landed on someones lawn, with everybody in the car safe and no damage to anybody or either of the cars.
I would have not only lost my license but my insurance would have skyrocketed.

Lesson learned, the no driving with friends law implemented in Mass is to prevent things like that from happening.

01/13/2016 - 21:12 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Also worth mentioning that I was doing 50 downhill in a 35 and I still cannot believe I pulled that off.

01/13/2016 - 21:13 |
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The only vehicles that have landed me trouble don’t belong to me, and the worst part is I signed a piece of paper promising that I wouldn’t reveal said cars.

01/13/2016 - 21:22 |
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