Tokyo Xtreme Racer’s Latest Update Brings Small But Welcome Changes

We think it’s fair to say that, a few weeks on from its release, Tokyo Xtreme Racer has been one of the most refreshing games in years. Here’s something you can just pick up and play and have loads of fun with, which is a shocking rarity these days.
Really then, we haven’t been left crying out for wholesale changes rather than just minor improvements. A new update for the title has been released, and we’re delighted to say that tweaks are small but very welcome.

The biggest change fixes one of the biggest frustrations with the game. Previously, during a race, it wouldn’t be uncommon for a rival to suddenly switch across to a highway exit without warning and leave a race ending with a frustrating ‘DRAW’ when you both head off in separate directions.
Now though, an indicator has been added to show when a rival is about to change course as the road splits – putting an end to those moments of surprise.
If you find yourself getting humiliated at the hands of another driver (*cough* Melancholic Angel *cough*), you can now bail on a race early. That’s easily done by holding down the hazard light button.

Smaller changes include the ability to change views while in autopilot mode, plus you’ll now get a warning if selling a car will take your earned credits beyond the limit of your wallet, leaving you out of pocket. Having made this mistake myself, that’s a delight to hear.
There’s also been a rebalancing of the game’s tuning, with users on Reddit reporting wholesale increases in power. Rivals also benefit from this though, so don’t expect to suddenly be blitzing everything in your path.
With the first month of Tokyo Xtreme Racer’s early access period coming to an end, expect more changes in the coming weeks. Developer Genki originally stated it plans to release the game in full after around four months and, if what we’ve played so far is anything to go by, it should be a magnificent thing.
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