Top 10 'Finger Fun Friday' Uploads From Last Week
We asked you to upload pics and Gifs last week to a new 'thing' we liked to call 'Finger Fun Friday'. Here were the best and funniest posts from you!

1. Not sure this guy saw the funny side - Kyle Greschak

2. My Viper GTS sitting in the rain - Ariel G

3. A never ending tale of destruction - Joe Powell

4. Volkswagen's new lightweight powertrain - Gforty

5. Love doing mods by hand - RachetStrap

6. FF2 jump scene - Dawe86

7. Am I doing this right? - KPNCTNRH NEHEB

8. Moving vans with my hands! - John Marcar

9. When you're in F1 but still have time for FFF - Alex Andrei

10. Guess who never grew up? - Adrian Precupeanu

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