This Top Gear Deleted Scene Perfectly Demonstrates Why Keyless Ignition Is Stupid
I like to think I’m relatively forward-thinking when it comes to car technology. Massaging seats? Why not. Streaming music to the sound system via the Interweb? Sure. Those weird classic Grand Theft Auto style aerial parking camera view things? Hey, I love ‘em. But there’s one car tech innovation I can’t stand: keyless ignition. And this un-aired Top Gear scene (starts from 2min 42sec onwards, but it’s worth watching the whole thing due to the hilarious whale penis bone chat at the beginning) perfectly demonstrates why it’s stupid.
It’s a dilemma you’re faced with every time you get in the car: where do you put the fob, since you can’t stick it in the ignition? Inevitably, you end up losing it within the car (in a Peugeot 308 GTI for instance, I had the key disappear under the cupholder assembly), meaning you can’t lock the car. You tear the car apart looking for the damn thing, to the point where you start to wonder if it’s even in there, even though it must be since the car isn’t shouting key-related warning at you.
Some cars - such as certain Volvos - have a solution in the form of a slot to put the keyless fob in. But you know what also works well as a slot for your key? The god damn ignition.
So, if I’m ever in a position to buy a new car, I sure as hell won’t be ticking the keyless option, saving the £200 or whatever it is to spend on something more worthwhile. Like cheese.
It’s funny. Another invention hundreds of years ago which we still use today. I believe they’re called TROU-SERS am I pronouncing it correctly? And most happen to be fitted with POCK-ETS? Keys fit great in there. I’ve had my focus with keyless almost a year and it works fine. Sometimes I get glitches but usually because I’ve not done something right. Also it means I don’t worry about accidentally keying my car because I don’t even need the key in my hand so no metal sharp but near my precious paintwork. But that’s just me.
Also, I work in a garage and deal with keyless ignition cars more often now so putting keys in the pocket isn’t common practice, and since it’s still relatively new technology, I always have the key in my hand when I get in…expecting an ignition, so then looking for somewhere to put the key when there is none, frustrates me. It might be just me….but if this thread exists, I highly doubt it.
I disagree. Its a great feature. Yes, some are large, but the fact you dont need to get it from your pocket to unlock, then use it to start, then back in your pocket or whatever is nice. Plus if its cold out, rather then shutting your car off to run into a convenient for 30 seconds, you can leave it run and no one can steal it so long as that key is in your pocket. Also, you cant lock the key in the car, which for my friends, is huge. Its almost once a month they do that after the gym. I can see the argument against, but personally I love the feature and will have no issue ticking that box
it is really stupid
they tried to improve a thing that wasnt necessary
its like trying to improve a steering wheel or a mirror
you wont make it better just more stupid
I don’t like how impersonal keyless ignition feels. Putting a key in the ignition, rolling down the windows to hear delicious start noises, and then cranking the engine is so gratifying.
I like my start button because race car ;).
while the clip is funny, I think you’re an idiot if you complain about keyless entry. sure its nice to be able to turn the key to start up your car, but lets all complain about an innovation that allows me to lock, unlock and start the car as long as the fob is on my person. I dont care who you are, you’re gonna have keys, wallet, and phone with you, surely the fob isn’t bigger than all those…smh
Put it in your pocket its not very hard
I’ve a new ST coming and I wanted the keyless entry/start mainly because I hate leaving work and having to search through loads of pockets or my bag for the key. Every bloody time I check all my pockets and it’s in the last one 😡 First world problems 🙈
Overengineered, gimmicky, flamboyant and dramatic supercars, gotta love ‘em
Does a some-hundred-thousand Dollar McLaren not have a pocket in the door or the center console?