Top Gear Is Getting Better And Better And I Don't Care What The Haters Say

We're four episodes in, and after a shaky start, I'm actually enjoying 'new' Top Gear. Here's why I think you should give it a second chance!
Top Gear Is Getting Better And Better And I Don't Care What The Haters Say

Four weeks ago on a Sunday night, I rushed home from Heathrow airport, banished my girlfriend from the living room and locked the door. The reason for my haste and bad boyfriendship was so that I could tune into the new and revamped version of the greatest motoring show on earth - Top Gear - without distraction.

Like you, I was excited to see what Evans, LeBlanc, Harris, Reid, Schmitz, Jordan and The Stig had up their sleeves, and like you, the first shouty voiceover intro to the new show by Chris Evans made me recoil in horror.

Top Gear Is Getting Better And Better And I Don't Care What The Haters Say

Unfortunately, the first episode was forgetful at best. There was a long-winded something or other about a couple of three-wheelers, and…nope, I genuinely can’t remember what else happened in that opening episode. The only other thing I do remember is that I didn’t laugh once. I also remember giving living room access back to my long-suffering girlfriend, and not because I’m a generous God, but because the show was so dull that I didn’t care if she continued to tell me the perks of us buying a puppy.

Still, the viewing figures were promising, and in case you didn’t know that the first episode was a success, Chris Evans was on hand to shout about the viewing figures on Twitter almost as loudly as he shouted every damn word on the show. “FACT!”

Episode 2 came and went with more vigour and cohesion, and included an SUV triple test in South Africa and a neat film on the McLaren 675LT, which was made epic by a cameo from Jenson Button. Again, though, the episode was largely forgettable, but showed signs of improvement (and a huge decline in viewing figures).

Top Gear Is Getting Better And Better And I Don't Care What The Haters Say

Fast forward another week to episode 3, and this is where things start to get interesting. The reason? The first appearances of Chris Harris and Rory Reid, who really know cars.

And so it was that the living room door was again locked with access denied for anyone but true car lovers. And guess what? Harris and Reid smashed it. This was the real beginning of new Top Gear with a couple of well-respected, fresher-faced guys who, you could sense in their enthusiasm and delivery, had been given the biggest shot at living the dream in their lives.

Top Gear Is Getting Better And Better And I Don't Care What The Haters Say

Harris’s excellent review of the Ferrari F12tdf was what we’ve come to expect from him on YouTube and more, while Reid blasted onto our screens with a blue Focus RS and the kind of analogies that make me want to delicately take a pick axe to his head for a look inside his amazing back catalogue of clever things to say.

Top Gear Is Getting Better And Better And I Don't Care What The Haters Say

And now on to episode 4, yesterday’s episode….well, what can I say about that except for ‘hell yes!’ Chris Evans had way more chill this episode, and the show got off to the best possible start thanks to Mr Harris and the incredible Aston Martin Vulcan. Harris drove that thing on the limit at Yas Marina, drifted it, gave an expert opinion, and even wore racing gloves. Can you imagine Evans, LeBlanc or even Jordan pulling that off?

Reid, meanwhile, jetted of to New York to drive and drag race the new Tesla Model X. Like last week, his words flowed like expensive engine oil, and his enthusiasm was clear for all to see. It’s this enthusiasm from both Reid and Harris that will keep me coming back for more. And anyone who bitched over the years that Top Gear wasn’t about the cars needs to tune in, if only for these guys who, in my opinion are carrying the show while Evans, Schmitz and Jordan still try to find their feet (unless the latter two get the chop for the second series). LeBlanc has actually grown on me, although he needs to work on the fake laughs, no doubt compounded by the unfunny scripting for the ‘in-between’ segments.

Top Gear Is Getting Better And Better And I Don't Care What The Haters Say

So there you have it. My thoughts on new Top Gear. And no, I’m not being paid to say nice (ish) things about Top Gear. I just love cars, and the way things are going, I think you should give the new Top Gear format a second chance.

However, there are things that I think need changing asap; the stars in the car segment should be trimmed because nobody gives a damn about a celebrity’s first car, so to make the audience vote on which is best is like picking a favourite between two recently-deposited turds. Also, what’s up with getting the celebs to intro what the other is doing? Surely that’s the job of Evans.

Overall, then, I’m a fan of new Top Gear, and had the first two episodes been scrapped and the series started with episode 3, I’m sure you’d be singing off the same hymn sheet.

Is it just me?

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what are you smoking mate? i want it to, cuz TG is every episode worst……it makes me cry, every episode more…..

06/20/2016 - 14:13 |
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I dont´agree at all, TG is getting worse, close to the ridiculousness line.
Chris Harris and Rory can stay, and perhaps Matt.
The others can disappear…

06/20/2016 - 14:14 |
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now that you say it, a show closer to the Old Format with Harris, Reid and Leblanc would be very good I think.

06/20/2016 - 15:13 |
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Callum Scoular

I agree with this whole heartedly

06/20/2016 - 14:15 |
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if they want to keep if up they must keep the focus on the cars, because if they dont we’ll notice all the annoying this evans does more

06/20/2016 - 14:18 |
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Still havent watched any of the new episodes though.. iplayer doesnt work in the netherlands, and i have to work sunday evening so.. anyone got a link for me?

06/20/2016 - 14:21 |
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Top Gear Is Getting Better And Better And I Don't Care What The Haters Say
Down With This Sort of Thing

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Showbox has it. It’s an app you can download onto your phone.

06/20/2016 - 16:40 |
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Georg Blink - RevolutionArts

I think they don’t need all of these presenters, they are just too many.
But I agree, the show is quite good now.
I’d pick Chris Harris, Rory Reid and Matt Leblanc as hosts, even tho I have to admit that Chris Evens got better aswell and I wouldn’t mind if he stays.

But this grandpa aka Eddie Jordan is just senseless :D

06/20/2016 - 14:24 |
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Oscar Taylor

I thought last night’s episode was actually rather good. Chris Harris and Rory Reid both did fantastic car reviews, expressing their own unique styles which opens up their true character. Matt I felt was quite good this week, much better than the first, and although he doesn’t provide much in the way of car knowledge, he is at least quite entertaining. Chris Evans was also better, and I feel he is more comfortable in the role, less shouty and more himself, although the Star in the rallycross car interviews are still cringe-worthy. Sabine I thought was awful however, and I felt she is trying way too hard to be funny, which is making it worse. Eddie although he only went on the train I thought he was quite amusing, and has a sort of James May vibe about him. If Sabine goes and probably Chris Evans as well I think the show will be a success.

06/20/2016 - 14:34 |
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My opinion is that they should remove Chris Evans.. He doesn’t seem like a car enthusiast, but more like a tryhard. LeBlanc is doing a good job with being a good host, he is also not annoying to watch. If we could have LeBlanc, Chris Harris and Reid as the 3 main people, the show would’ve been even better.

06/20/2016 - 14:47 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Exactly and then they could do road trips. No need for sabine, that old fart and evans. Although i dont mind evans when he does the odd car film but its too much with too many people who are awkward to watch.

06/21/2016 - 09:40 |
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Sorry but hell no its not getting better lose the ginger and the other extra presentes leave Harris leblanc and schimite and maybe just maybe will be better and funnier

06/20/2016 - 14:49 |
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[ Insert Name Here ]

Haven’t watched it yet :( dont know how I’ll do it, it doesnt air in Brazil

06/20/2016 - 14:49 |
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