Top Gear Live Discussion
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Top gear or top shi*
top sh8t, bruv
I couldn’t be bothered to watch it. Can someone sum it up in one word
Extra gear is actually much better.
there is not a word in existence to describe how bad it was
could make a baby cry
Chris Evans is trying to hard. Stop shouting stop over acting and basically spoiling it.
There were a few points in the videos out of the studio where he spoke like a normal person and didn’t sound like someone you just want to punch in the face. Unfortunately the moments of him not sounding annoying were few and far between.
Wasted an hour of my life
Le Blanc isn’t as bad as I thought he would be, but Evans is a disgrace. His voice is just so annoying!
Get rid of Evans and put Chris Harris in the #1 spot.
Guy Martin would be a good call as well.
I woukd actually watch with those 3 and probably quite enjoy it
Felt like I was watching a rebooted fifth gear tbh…
Everything seemed so scripted as well XD
did anyone else prefer extra gear??
Yeah, i felt that the crowd was akward in extra gear but loved watching Chris Harris as I’m a big fan of his he does a great job at describing cars while driving at great speeds around tracks, the main show ABSOLOUTLY pissed me off. Chris Evans gone, Chris Harris main presenter.
So Harris is only on “Extra Gear”? WTF… I only watched the show in the hope that between him and Sabine they may save it!
He is in the actual Top Gear as well, just not all the time! 🙂