"Traffic Jam" Art in the Mountains of Spain

Traffic jams. For some who live or travel through big cities (or even in smaller ones these days), traffic jams are a fact of life. But have you ever thought of them as art? Me neither. Spanish artist Maider López has though, and the results are pretty interesting. 

Traffic jams. For some who live or travel through big cities (or even in smaller ones these days), traffic jams are a fact of life. But have you ever thought of them as art? Me neither. Spanish artist Maider López has though, and the results are pretty interesting. 

Its one thing for there to be traffic jams on urban highways and crowded city streets, but what about in the picturesque countryside of Spain? That just doesn't happen. In 2005 López put out a call to people willing to take part and create art. (Corny - I know). The response was great, with 400 people and 160 automobiles lending themselves and their cars to the effort.

The whole exercise was to be an "exhibit" at the Laboral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial in Gijón, Spain, a show designed to show the interconnection between cars and modern art.

Every once in a while I like to post something interesting and out of the ordinary, and I think this certainly qualifies. Take a look below for yourself. Certainly is a stark contrast between the beautiful Spanish landscape and a group of 160 parked cars.

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