Truck Carrying Wind Turbine Blade Wiped Out After Getting Stuck On Train Crossing
Since wind turbines tend to be observed from a distance, we never really get a sense of their scale. They are huge, though, as evidenced by a single bland needing to be transported with an 18-wheeler lorry in this video. They’re not the easiest things to haul, and unfortunately, the driver of this particular rig made things much harder by trying to negotiate a tight turn onto a level crossing in Luling, Texas.
The truck can be seen straightening up as a freight train’s horn blares in the background, but it’s too late to get out of the way - the trailer is struck, sending the cab toppling on its side. The blade suffers significant damage, and the truck comes off pretty poorly too.

Thankfully, according to KXAN, there were no serious injuries when the collision happened on Sunday afternoon, although CBS Austin reports that some of the train crew were taken to hospital. The latter outlet also notes that the crossroad “has a long-standing reputation” for being dangerous. However, witnesses say several lorries also carrying turbine blades did safely make it over the crossing. After this one was hit at 2.30 pm, the tracks remained closed until they were cleared and reopened at 8.40 pm.
Should’ve just used the train to carry the blades, like this one.