Tyler Hoover Has Just Bought A Broken Rolls-Royce Phantom For $80k
You’ll probably know all about Tyler Hoover’s insane history of buying the cheapest-possible example of what was once a high-value car. There was the M3 Convertible, the Ferrari F355 and more recently the Tesla Model S, among others.
Now he’s gone and bought a purple 2005 Rolls-Royce Phantom for $80,000. That’s at least $20,000 cheaper than others of the same vintage but still a tonne of cash, and it involved him selling his Corvette Z06 and his classic BMW 850i, as well as getting a loan from his credit union. The repayments will cost him around $1300 every month…

We can’t quite believe he’s gone this far. This Phantom had been on the market for some time and its price had apparently been slashed by tens of thousands of dollars in an attempt to shift it. A cheeky offer later, and this happened.
An intermittent suspension warning is the biggest hint at a vast impending bill, while parts for “glitchy” windows and a badly malfunctioning iDrive could also make things a tad awkward for Hoover’s credit card. We’re looking forward to updates.
Damn, give this guy respect for actually buying this broke fest
Y tho u could buy so many cars with 80k
Because it’s a f*cking rolls Royce phantom
OR you could buy one of the most luxurious cars ever built instead, if you already have about twenty cars in the garage.
Plugging your Autotrader column has become the new way of saying “I’m an idiot that buy broken luxury cars but make quality youtube videos and loves them QUIRKS”.
Not really true and the content is still really good regardless
Or, im a dude that wears shorts while reviewing Ferrari F40s and looks at them quirks and features while also talking about my Bumper to Bumper Warranty
Of course he did..
he’s probably gonna go all MacGyver on it and fix everything with a 3 spoons, a rope and some duct tape.
This man does what we all wish we had the courage to do when searching the classifieds.
Courage/bank account
How did all these numbers get past his Asian girlfriend without sending her into a fit?
She’s actually a Yakuza member and has him at gunpoint due dept
Apparently the iDrive screen also displays mirror images as well
Didn’t he buy and immediately talk about selling a Russian-imported lemon Bentley CGT? How it this better?
Respect to Hoovie from the guy, who just bought the cheapest run&drive Jaguar with new TÜV(german MOT), he could find!