Video: 2010 Hyundai Genesis Coupe Review

Last week, Car Throttle's Executive Editor Tony Pimpo managed to get his hands on a fully-specced 3.8-litre version of the 2010 Hyundai Genesis Coupe.

Last week, Car Throttle's Executive Editor Tony Pimpo managed to get his hands on a fully-specced 3.8-litre version of the 2010 Hyundai Genesis Coupe. He had a blast driving it around (an unpredictably rainy) Northern California and his full write-up of the experience went live on the site a few days ago.

What we didn't mention was the fact that during his week with the car, Tony managed to shoot Car Throttle's first video review. Accomplished with the help of only a Flip Mino Camcorder, this is a fantastic 2 minute review which is already pulling in a nice amount of views on YouTube. The video review is embedded below, so please take a few minutes to watch the show.

Most importantly, we want your feedback. Leave us a comment below, @carthrottle us on Twitter or leave a comment on YouTube and we will show our appreciation!

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