Video: Chrysler Releases "Head-to-Head" of 200 Against the Competition
The new 300 has been in the news a lot lately as Chrysler has teased it and pictures have slowly leaked out to the press. Before that, it was the 200 that was the subject of a long picture-leaking campaign.
The new 300 has been in the news a lot lately as Chrysler has teased it and pictures have slowly leaked out to the press. Before that, it was the 200 that was the subject of a long picture-leaking campaign.
Now it is finally out, and reviews are in from a few automotive outlets as well. As expected, the 200 isn't a game change. Chrysler did the best with the uncompetitive Sebring they had to work with, and the 200 can only be so good.
What the 200 does is give Chrysler a viable alternative in the mid-size segment. As expected, Chrysler is trumpeting the 200 as the best thing since sliced bread. To do so it made this new Head-to-Head video using websites from around the web to praise the car. We'll let you be the judge on how the 200 stacks up against competitors.
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