Volkswagen Wants Diesel Subsidies Cut Because It's An Eco-Warrior Now

Volkswagen is quickly moving itself away from its troubled recent past and present with rapid electric car development, and now there's a political strategy to back it up
Volkswagen Wants Diesel Subsidies Cut Because It's An Eco-Warrior Now

Volkswagen has reportedly suggested that the German government should ditch its subsidies that apply to diesel cars, in an effort to push people towards less polluting alternatives.

Yes, much like the naughty kid who, after being caught, squeals on all his friends and co-conspirators to get them in trouble as well, Volkswagen is now taking the moral high ground.

Volkswagen Wants Diesel Subsidies Cut Because It's An Eco-Warrior Now

We can joke about it because we agree it’s in the best interests of the environment, or so science currently tells us until we know more about the knock-on effects of truly mass battery production and how the electricity to charge them will be produced.

That doesn’t stop it from being deeply ironic. The company that has so fiercely championed its ‘clean diesel’ technologies is quoted by a German newspaper (whose pages we can’t read because of our ad-blockers) as saying that the subsidies should be cut and the money redistributed.

Volkswagen Wants Diesel Subsidies Cut Because It's An Eco-Warrior Now

Matthias Muller, Volkswagen’s head suit, is quoted as saying:

“We should question the logic and purpose of diesel subsidies.

“The money can be invested more sensibly to promote more environmentally friendly technologies.”

Volkswagen Wants Diesel Subsidies Cut Because It's An Eco-Warrior Now

He is the first German car company boss to speak out against the subsidies that have been part of the country’s culture for years, put in place to help nudge people towards diesel cars and their lower carbon dioxide output. Remember when it was all about the hole in the ozone layer, not the damage to people’s lungs?

Volkswagen is well on track to bring several fully-electric cars to market in the next few years, so no one can really argue the firm isn’t trying to do the right thing by the environment these days. Whether the new EVs will be affordable in the current climate of steeply-rising new car prices, we’ll have to wait and see.

Sources: New York Times via Handelsblatt

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GTRTURTLE 🔰 🐢(Oo \ S K Y L I N E / oO) (Koen

Volkswagen: We will find a way to cheat hybrid emissions

12/11/2017 - 16:11 |
12 | 0

“Who, after being caught, squeals on all his friends and co-conspirators”. They should know what happens to snitches…

12/11/2017 - 16:12 |
88 | 0
Nishant Dash

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)


12/11/2017 - 16:15 |
2 | 0

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

I hope no one was sitting in that car at the time of the accident.

12/11/2017 - 20:50 |
3 | 0

Volkswagen is like the one kid who reminds the teacher that the class has detention.
“uhm, miss, you forgot that I cheated everyone in the world with dieselgate so we all deserve a punishment”

12/11/2017 - 16:23 |
38 | 1
KPS Lucky - Inactive


12/11/2017 - 16:24 |
2 | 1

To be fair this is just a move out of anticipation. Politicians would have eventually done it anyway so Volkswagen just decided to come out and make a PR stunt out of it

12/11/2017 - 16:56 |
4 | 0

Even tho desiel is more efficent than gas they still want to kill more

12/11/2017 - 17:04 |
2 | 2

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Diesel engines are more efficient speaking of fuel consumption, but less environmentally friendly nonetheless, when will people understand it? The emission of nitric oxides and fine particles that result in burning Diesel fuel is considerably more harmful to humans than carbon dioxide. I don’t know if you’re looking forward to lung cancer, I certainly don’t.

12/11/2017 - 17:26 |
7 | 5

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

More efficient in terms of CO2 emissions, but far worse in terms of particulates and nitrous oxides.

12/11/2017 - 17:52 |
1 | 0

If it makes the glorious 3.0 tdi cheaper…

12/11/2017 - 17:05 |
8 | 0

15 years later: Volkswagen’s “Clean Battery Production” found to not be very clean. Electric cars are branded as dirty and we all go back to bicycles.

12/11/2017 - 17:51 |
40 | 1

I’m hoping for Hydrogen-powered rotaries

12/11/2017 - 19:22 |
9 | 1

Ja, da future

12/11/2017 - 20:12 |
6 | 0
Alex Trigg

Dieselgate is like brexit, stupidly talked about when no one cares anymore

12/11/2017 - 18:48 |
3 | 0

Electric cars at VW will the charge be able to keep the check engine light glowing for over 80 miles ?

12/11/2017 - 19:57 |
2 | 0