VW Caddy Goes Head To Head With Nature: Epic Jump Results

Watch a VW Caddy van spontaneously launch itself off a bank on the side of the road. It's an oldie but a goodie!

caddy jump

Epic car jumps are something we're extremely fond of at CT towers. We've already seen shitbox vs RV today and now, we bring you another jumping treat from the YouTube archives.

The stunt car? A black VW Caddy with a death wish. The ramp? Nature herself. Watch below as the Caddy driver first veers straight off the road and onto the grass.


Suddenly, his motive becomes clear. Ahead, lies a sizeable bank that will double as an epic launch pad.


The Caddy hits the ramp hard, travels through the air awkwardly and hits the ground (honking) with a massive thud. I think it's fair to say that was the end of the van's life. What a way to go though, right?


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