Watch This Aggressive Biker Wipe Himself Out On Bollards
When this biker pulls alongside the car for a 'chat' he fails to see the bollards in the centre of the road. Then, the inevitable happens...
Now obviously we don’t know the back story here. The biker may have had a legitimate reason to shout at the guys in the car, in which case we feel bad for him. On the other hand, however, he may have simply been a douchebag, in which case we feel less bad, but still don’t wish him any injuries; dented pride will suffice.
Also found a found a road runner in Kangaroo land for $48k
Reminds me of that bridge on GTA.
he didn’t sound very angry… didn’t hear f*cking, so?
Distraction is the key to injury though I may not say that he is actually distracted but let it be a lesson for him.
He said “watch yourself boy” then crashed. Ironic.
that’s PUNNY
Hey watch out for th- nevermind.
Private video. Forgot to watch it earlier, now I can’t. Somebody have an alternative link?
Dang I missed it too, I guess that’s what I get for being on vacation