Watch As A Crashing Motorcycle Flies Past Someone's Face
Amazingly, this woman suffered only a few scratches after a motorcycle flew past her face, and the rider wasn't in bad shape either
This woman had a lucky escape a few weeks ago while enjoying a smoke outside a shop in Tatui, Brazil when an out-of-control motorbike cartwheeled right in front of her face. The whole thing was caught on the store’s CCTV camera, and the footage makes for dramatic viewing.

Amazingly, the video description claims that the woman was “barely scratched” by the flying bike, while the rider suffered only minor injuries. He was taken to hospital, but released the same day.
Source: Viral Hog via Car Scoops
“Only in Brazil”
Brazil is South America’s Eastern Europe
Good thing Deadpool 1 isn’t very accurate…
Finding new ways to kill
Hmm… Should i go to the store? Bike flies past her face. I’ll go to the store.
I wonder what would have happend if she didn’t duck.
“Hi everybody!” -Dr.Nick The Simpsons.
Pretty good dodge
Always said smoking could nearly kill you, didn’t think it’d be like this tho
Yo what pickup is this, it looks pretty cool. Like a mini Ute
Fiat Strada