Watch A Defenceless Hatchback Get Shunted Down The Road While Its Tyres Cry Out In Pain
A truck in Malaysia is seen pushing a hatchback sideways a great distance down a slip road, while the poor little car lets out a sustained shriek from its tyres
A little context to this video might be nice, but unfortunately it seems background information to this bizarre incident is hard to come by. We don’t know how the little Perodua got stuck to the truck’s front bumper, nor do we know if it was an act of road rage or if the truck driver simply didn’t know the car was there.
There are no reports on the condition of the Perodua driver either. The car looks to be in reasonable shape though, so hopefully he or she wasn’t seriously injured.
Video via Jalopnik
The Perodua driver is honking like crazy ! I’m pretty sure the truck driver didn’t see it … but on the other side he has warning lights on and How the f*ck can’t you see that you are dragging a car in front of your truck with tires screeching :D
The driver absolutely realised because he switched on the hazard lights and the lorry maybe was full with loads n the road was descending,so he needed to take times to stop
I can’t be the only one who sees an R35 in the front of that car…
You’re not alone
Captain here. The car is Perodua Myvi.
Please there are enough myvi ricers here don’t be giving them ideas for gtr bodykits
Truck driver must have been like: “Hmm, why is this making even more noise than usual?”
news says that dat car(its MyVi)tried to undertake this truck but ended up like this(if im not wrong)
No, it is not road rage. The Perodua want to overtake on the left side of the lorry (Malaysians drive on the left side of the road) but failed. It didn’t fully overtook the lorry and the rear of the car hits the lorry and spins towards the front of the lorry.
and I think the driver of the lorry do know it hits something. I have seen one with a clearer image and if you look closely, the lorry already turn on the hazards at the beginning of the video. as you can see, the road is a single lane and the driver possibly want to prevent traffic jam thus decided to continue “gently” pushing the car until he can find somewhere that he could stop safety. don’t know if that is the correct thing to do though.
this is why we shouldn’t fight our way through against a large vehicle.
Well, thanks, Sherlock.
It looks like a Prius C
It’s a rebadged model of Daihatsu Sirion
It’s blue!
The Perodua driver be like…..
I wanna say that’s from the movie Duel?
I just had to
Damn those wheels be looking like squares by the end