Watch This Douchebag Dad Get Sucked Into Dangerous Road Rage With His Wife And Kids On Board
When a douchebag dad gets sucked into flirting with death with an Impreza driver, the pair weave in and out of traffic dangerously. All the while, this guy's wife and kid/kids are sitting scared for their lives in the car...
That driving does not Impreza me much
He should’ve done a ¨Subaru 360¨
I think both are complete douchebags.
He has anti lag so his jerk power is not reduced during shifts
Its not an anti lag… Its just backfire
Yeah… The guy driving the camera car is an idiot, but I’d say that the real douchebag in the video is the Impreza driver.
Well, he just wanted to wipe out his own gene pool. Could not blame him for that.
Haha 😂
Comment of the year
Some of y’all think too fast lol
why the subaru stopped, he could reverse and BRAAAAAAP away
There was another one with spok from star trek instead of NOPE
Yeah that subaru was a douchebag. But then again why this guy started problem with the subaru driver?