Watch A Douchebag Pickup Driver Spin Out After Cutting Up A Truck
This idiot driver effectively does a 'PIT' manoeuvre on himself by cutting up a semi truck, sending his pickup crashing into the central reservation before spinning off the road entirely
Amazingly, the pickup guy initially tried to blame the lorry driver. His face when he sees the dashcam is a picture!
Video via Car Scoops
This is what happens idiot BMW Drivers this is a lesson to learn from.
I didn’t know BMW made a Pickup Truck.. That’s cool
Embrace the hate dude
We should have a community called “Watch A Douchbag”
This needs to happen
All I can think of is
Damn it again! You beat me to it!
When your car doesn’t spit fire, this is the stupid solution
2 wd truck , the most stupid truck layout xD
its the best
Even if this was a 4WD equiped truck you would never want to be in 4Hi on the highway and your vehicle wouldnt event let you run it in 4low most likely. I dont know of a single person who would be dumb enough to drive around in 4WD on any reasonaly fast speed motorway.
Mezut Ozil is that you????
if this does not make to the comments of the week, i don’t know what does..
instant karma, b*tch!
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